Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Report on the Congressional Hearing

Welcome to all those who have jumped on the list serve!
This is a thank you and brief report on the Peace March and the Congressional Hearing for Artists on Health Care.

The Peace March was incredible - Russel and Susan posed for many photos with our banner! We met many people from around the country who are interested in what artists have to say about politics!

The Congressional Hearing was also an amazing day. The court room at Borough Hall was the perfect setting, both intimate and historic. Congressman Conyers gave an incredible speech, as did Council Member Charles Barron. The testimonies were personal, moving, emotional, as well as delivered the hard facts and statistics about so many different populations of artists who are devastatingly under or uninsured. PBS also taped some of the Hearing - they are working on a new documentary and following 6 people around to record their crisis. We are collecting these testimonies in written form to pass onto our Representatives.

Over the past few months, we have made many new connections, especially with the health care world - we will keep you posted on upcoming projects!

For several articles reporting on the day, please check out the websites:

If you would like to contact us directly, please feel free to email

Have a great summer!
Acts of Art