Wednesday, January 17, 2007

March to End War

Join Acts of Art, United for Peace and Justice, Brooklyn Parents for Peace and many others to March on Washington to end the war. Let's not wait for the wounded and death count to rise.

Information for buses leaving from Brooklyn:
Buses leave Grand Army Plaza 5:45 sharp. Round-Trip fare $35.
To purchase tickets call Brooklyn Parents for Peace 718-624-5921 or purchase tickets on line

Transportation information from other cities:

Message from United for Peace and Justice:
IT IS TIME FOR CONGRESS TO ACT! With support from, True Majority, Working Assets, the RainbowPUSH Coalition, the National Organization for Women and hundreds of other national and local groups, word about the Jan. 27th antiwar mobilization is reaching far and wide. Momentum is building and people from all walks of life and every corner of the country will be marching on Washington, DC, on Saturday, Jan. 27th. Our message will be clear, our voice will be strong: End the war in Iraq, Bring all the troops home now! We urge you to join us!


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