Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dear Friends -
Take notice of this new book by the amazing Dr. Don Sloan, put out by Caveat Press. Get your copy today!! http://www.caveatpress.com/product.asp?specific=jnqserl8

By controlling medical services and policies nationwide, insurance conglomerates and pharmaceutical companies are literally Practicing Medicine Without a License. Don Sloan, MD, exposes how the medical community has fallen prey to these corporations and makes the case for a radical solution: a single-payer, universal health plan for everyone mandated by law.

As a weapon in the fight against The Corporate Takeover of Healthcare in America, this book:
presents a comprehensive critique of our failing healthcare system
gives historical context to the current political debate
articulates the need for radical reform
makes the case for a national universal healthcare plan

YOU can help make healthcare a legal right, not a costly privilege!


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